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Monday, August 18, 2014

July Summer Fun

We spent July in Fruit Heights, Utah, with Sarah's parents. Michael spent almost the entire month locked away studying for the bar exam, which was on July 29th and 30th in Colorado, but everyone else had a lot of fun with friends and family.

Over the 4th of July holiday, we went to Bear Lake with the extended Skidmore family, and Micah had a blast swimming and playing with his cousins. It's so wonderful to be able to see cousins, grandparents, and aunts and uncles and get to know their families better.
Micah probably went down this slide and into the swimming pool about 5,000 times. Thanks to grandpa and his cousin Dallin for patiently catching him at the bottom over and over . . . and over again.
And Isla is our little sleeping beauty. She's been more awake and alert and curious during August, but during July she was catching up on lost sleep and packing on the pounds. We sure do love this little girl. And it's been so fun to dress her up with bows and dresses. Girls are great!

Sarah's sister Anna came down from BYU-Idaho to visit in July. She is always so helpful with the kids, and they sure do love her a lot. We've had a lot of fun with her during August, about which we'll have more to say next month.

Michael and Micah cheering on Grandpa Skidmore at his reverse triathlon (run, bike, swim) in Bountiful. A rare break from studying for Michael.
Grandpa coming in from the bike portion.

Grandpa Skidmore placed second in his age division, and won a cool trophy.
The neighbors let Micah borrow their electric BMW, and he had a blast in the church parking lot. We thought we weren't going to have to worry about him driving for another fourteen years . . .
Grandma Skidmore has millions of toys at her house, but Micah enjoys the simple things -- like playing in a basket full of blankets.
Sarah's aunt Cheryl, Uncle Brian, and their daughter-in-law Melissa, and her daughter Brynne came over for a day of swimming at the clubhouse. Isla had a blast with her great-aunt Cheryl.
Micah, his great-aunt Cheryl, and his second cousin Brynne.
Micah and Brynne lounging. His inner tube isn't exactly made for lounging, but he's resourceful and made it work.
When Michael stayed with the Skidmores in Colorado while he took the bar exam, the Skidmores in Colorado, excepting Caleb, came for a visit to Grandma's house in Utah. Here's Grandma Skidmore with Kerrianne, Lindsey, Aimee (in grandma's arms), Gretchen, and Sam.

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