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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Finishing Strong and Starting Steady

Zoo Pals
As most of you know, we go to the zoo A LOT! On one particular balmy December day, we ventured to the zoo, and I got a little camera happy.

Isla and Micah have lots of fun with each other. They love riding along in the stroller together (even though we have to sometimes remind Micah (AND Isla) to keep hands to self).

 Fun Times
Isla loves chewing on her thumb/hand, so much so that it is often bright red and rough with dry skin -- it turns out saliva isn't the best moisturizer. Frog and Toad is a household favorite, especially when dad is the reader. Green smoothies taste good and make for some awesome green mustaches (and no frogs OR toads were harmed during the making of this smoothie)!

Christmas Happenings

We had such a wonderful Christmas season this year. We were so excited that Grandma and Grandpa Robertson were able to come and visit. Unfortunately, we did a horrible job documenting their stay, but we had a fabulous time with them (besides their getting sick twice during the two weeks they were here -- please still come back and visit!)

We planned on spending Christmas Eve with the Skidmores in Parker, but sickness at their house and ours cancelled those plans. While Grandma and Grandpa tried to get better, we headed out to the zoo and enjoyed the animals and lights. We had a little nativity at home and, as I recall, Micah was most of the characters, but costumed as an angel, and Isla was a perfect baby Jesus.

Micah loved playing with Grandma and Grandpa, especially "wake up" in their room on the air mattress, where they would pretend to be asleep and he would wake them up. They played together for hours!

The Creative Side of Michael

Though Michael wasn't able to take a ton of time off of work for Christmas, when he was home he and Micah had fun doing crafts, including play-doh and drawing!

Crazy Awesome Colorado Weather

The new year has treated us very well here in Colorado when it comes to the weather. We have had some snow to play in and some sunshine to bask in.  It was even warm enough to eat lunch outside!
You'll notice Micah is sporting his Oregon Ducks shirt he got for Christmas from Uncle Vinnie! And Isla is missing a sock, a common occurrence!

A Very Special Birthday Weekend

The Kelleys were able to visit for a long weekend in the middle of January and we had a great time. They happened to be here on Sarah's birthday! The Skidmore family and Anna came over for dinner and cake and Grandma and Grandpa Skidmore were able to pipe in on FaceTime for the candle blowing! The cousins had fun playing and getting reacquainted. 

As coined by the Kelleys, the "Robertson Inn" is open for business! You may want to check the review on yelp before you decide to book the (play)room, but we're happy to have you either way.

The Babies

It was wonderful to meet smiley and cute Madeleine May when the Kelleys came to visit. Isla and Madeleine are about six weeks apart and it was fun to see them interact. Whenever Micah sees this picture of Kristin he says, "Aunt Kristin with two babies!"

January Grab Bag

The rest of January has been pretty low key with a few fun highlights. At the beginning of the month our branch was dissolved and we became part of the Lakewood Ward. Michael was called to the high council and has responsibilities with the Spanish Ward, Primary, and Cub Scouts. This means that he got to help out with the Pine Wood Derby! We feel so blessed that Grandpa Robertson was in town when Michael was ordained a High Priest.

Micah was invited to join a little preschool with some other kids from church and we thought we would give it a try, so he got to take a classic "first day of school" picture. We ended up deciding to wait until the fall, but he had fun the two times he went. 

And when Pirate Micah and fruit pizza are part of your month, you know it had to be a good one!

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